Training in Treating Internalized Oppression is not required for the following group offerings. However, it is recommended.
To learn more about Treating Internalized Oppression, click here.
Supervision Options
Focused on using the Treating Internalized Oppression framework in your work
Sessions are one-on-one
We will use case presentations with feedback as well as general support with your clinical practice
Monthly sessions/weekly/every-other-week - whichever is needed
Fee is $200/hour
These are ongoing groups, with maximum of four members per group
Focused on using the Treating Internalized Oppression framework in your work
Groups happen monthly
Each group counts as 2 hours of supervision
Groups meet Wednesday mornings, 10am-12pm, or Friday mornings, 10am-12pm
The main focus is on case presentations with feedback
Fee is $100 for 2 hours, paid at time of group
These are closed groups with a maximum of 6 people
Focused on using the Treating Internalized Oppression framework in your work
Groups happen monthly
There is a 6-month commitment to participate in these groups
Meetings are 2 hours, supervision available if requested
Meetings happen Wednesday mornings, 9am-11am or 10am-12pm
Fee is $600/series, can be paid in installments of $100/monthly, paid the day of the group
Heidi can teach any size group about Treating Internalized Oppression and Radical Repair.