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Heidi Stauber

Clinical Application of the Treating Internalized Oppression Framework

The Treating Internalized Oppression Framework focuses on social oppression and how its internalization impacts the clinical issues presented by clients in therapy. This training builds on participants’ knowledge of the Treating Internalized Oppression Framework through the use of clinical demonstrations.

The cohort nature of this training supports the construction of a safe atmosphere for a deeper study of this work. The instructor will use a variety of approaches to create a trustworthy environment through thoughtful engagement, didactic instruction, and experiential learning.

Participants in the workshop contribute an outline of their own internalized oppression, distress patterns, and thoughts about their core clinical issues. The instructor of the course utilizes this information to support each participant in a 30 minute demonstration session. This application of the case conceptualization concepts allows participants a more practical and observable way to work with internalized oppression and the core clinical issues.

Discussion related to the demonstrations will engage participants in their developing understanding of the conceptualization of a case, assessment of client’s distress, and application of appropriate interventions or contradictions. Emphasis will be placed on course participants’ abilities to apply this framework when selecting interventions for clients from various privileged and oppressed groups, and on developing a practice of self-reflection and self-discovery of their own internalized oppression, along with the positive and negative ramifications of related countertransference.

2021 Training Dates

* Until further notice all trainings will be held on the Zoom video platform.